Chicago jury awards $21.3M to the family of a victim of a high-speed police chase

Chicago jury awards $21.3M to the family of a victim of a high-speed police chase
There was a life-changing event in Leslie Carrion’s life in December 2015, in which she was seriously injured and and her mother lost her life. An additional 11 injured people were sent to hospitals. The cause was the violent end to a high-speed police pursuit of a teenager driving a suspected stolen minivan through residential streets. The minivan crashed into the family’s SUV. Only three such cases in the past decade went to trial, with the largest of those jury awards coming in at $3.5 million. Based upon the diligent efforts of our referral partners at Romanucci & Blandin, a jury recently awarded $21.3M to the family of the mother of 5 killed in high-speed police chase.